Integration Guide

Application parameters



LiSA Native introduces configurable stores. Additional store configurations allow you to override prices and detail page URLs for products as well as language settings for the LiSA viewer app:

  • store — Store ref (as configured in the LiSA backend)
Store parameter example

The store parameter is supported by all entrypoints.


By default LiSA detects the viewer's browser language and displays text and numbers and currencies in the respective locale format. You can overrule the default behaviour by providing the language parameter.

  • language — Two letter language code, e.g. en, de, ja
Language parameter example

The language parameter is supported by all entrypoints.

Replay Time

Using the replay_time parameter allows you to start a show recording at a specified time. LiSA accepts a numeric value and interprets the time as start time in seconds.

  • replay_time — Numeric value marking the second to start the recording at.
Replay time parameter example

The replay_time parameter is supported by all entrypoints.

URL Parameter Passthrough

Using the url_params parameter allows you to append custom query parameters to URLs that LiSA exposes — e.g. for social sharing or add to calendar options.

Please provide your query parameters in URL encoded form.

  • url_params — URL encoded query string parameters to append to URLs exposed by LiSA.
Additional URL parameter example

The url_params parameter is supported by all entrypoints.


For integration scenarios, that require an external UI control, the player must be made aware of this in order to reserve space and not have UI controls overlap each other.


A very common UI control is an external close button. Using the ui_close_icon parameter allows you to reserve space in the player's header.

It expects a value that matches the following pattern: (left|right)(:width)?(:height)?

The first part determines the side, on which the space should be reserved — either left or right.

If you provide the side information only, a space of 32x32 pixels is reserved on the respective viewport edge. In case you need more or less space, you may also provide the required dimensions with the second and/or third part of the parameter value — separated by a colon (:). The second and third part accept CSS length values. If you only provide one addition part, it is used for both width and height. Otherwise, the second part represents the width and the third pard the height of the reserved space.


UI close icon parameter example

The example would yield in reserved space of 42 x 42 pixels in the top right corner.

Without custom close button
Without custom close button

With custom close button
With custom close button