Product API connector
A product API of your ecommerce platform is integrated with the LiSA product API using connectors.
LiSA product API connectors integrate up to three API endpoints to either import a specific product addressed by a unique identifier, or a range of products from either a product listing or search-result.
The actual implementation of these endpoints depends heavily on your ecommerce platform. Therefore, this article can only provide a rough overview.
The single product API endpoint contains a unique identifier of a product. The response payload contains data of only that specific product.
In the LiSA backend, a user can search for a specific product ID and is presented with the product data mapped onto the LiSA Product schema definitions. The user can then decide, to import the product to the LiSA backend.
The product list API endpoint provides a scrollable list of product information that can be mapped onto the LiSA product schema.
In the LiSA backend, a user is presented with the product data mapped onto the LiSA product schema. The user can scroll through the list and decide, which products to import to the LiSA backend.
Note: Custom filtering of a product list which is not covered by a simple text-search as described in the next section is subject of either customization of existing or implementation of custom product API connectors.
The product search API endpoint provides simple text-search capabilities to search for products within your product API.
In the LiSA backend, a user is presented with the search result mapped onto the LiSA product schema. The user can scroll through the search result and decide, which products to import to the LiSA backend.
Note: Custom filtering of a product search result which goes beyond simple text-search is subject of either customization of existing or implementation of custom product API connectors.
LiSA product API connectors are capable of importing product images from a customer’s ecommerce platform as long as they are publicly available via URL.
The connector's import copies the images to ensure availability of the product images irrelevant of a potential non-availabilities of your image origin.