Release notes
- Show Recordings — With each live show LiSA now creates a landscape (16x9) and a portrait (9x16) recording. For co-hosted shows, the recording layout is adjusted to a split view — either split horizontally for the landscape recording or vertically for the portrait recording.
- Host experience — Hosts can now switch between a fit-view and a zoom-view of their local stream. While zoom-view shows the host's local stream in fullscreen, fit-view shows the entire host video in its full actual aspect ratio — either 9x16 (portrait) or 16x9 (landscape). The host view also shows a grid that automatically adjusts in co-hosted sessions. Both features help with positioning themselves and setting up the scene, to what the viewer is going to see.
- Multi-Store — LiSA is now capable of multi-store environments. A show can now be streamed to different regions simultaneously with the option to show region-specific prices for products and open region-specific product detail views.
- Messaging — New message types have been introduce to further enhance the user experience, especially for in-app use cases. Please refer to the Messaging documentation for details.
- Add max character limits to markup editor.
- Allow customers to apply custom style to play button on Show replay page.
- Add settings option to collapse chat by default.
- Add CSV export of Show products.
- Improved Google Tag Manager integration to allow for configuration of custom events, triggered by LiSA UI interactions.
- Added Mute/unmute indicatore for hosts/co-hosts
- Improved UI for translateable text values.
- Fix average participant metrics for replays
- Fixes a bug, where a user would not be redirected to Channel detail view upon new channel being created.
- Fixes a bug, where an uploaded video would not play as a Show recording on some occasions.