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Let's take a look at the markup of a section component, rendered by the LiSA Library.
To keep it simple we're using the first section from the Appearance example, which is uses the list layout for all shows that are currently live. In our example only one show is currently live.
This example is based on the following markup:
LiSA Library uses BEM notation for its markup to achieve reusable and customisable components.
The listing below provides an overview of all relevant class names:
This class name gets added to your library host node's list of class names.
A library section component.
A library section title element.
A library section item listing component containing all library items.
A show component containing all elements that compose a show library item.
A component containing one or multiple media assets such as cover image or preview video.
A show asset component containing a single media asset.
A show data component containing all relevant information of a show.
A component indicating the show state, e.g. live.
A component containing show host avatar(s).
A component to display a single show host avatar.
A component to display a show's title.
A component to display a show description.
A component to display a show date.
A component to display a call to action, used to launch a show.
Each of these components come with certain CSS properties and values to render the respective layout. Customisations to better fit your corporate design is easily done either by overwriting the existing CSS properties or by providing custom values for the available CSS Variables .
Depending on your choice of layout (grid, list or slider), asset format (portrait or landscape) and/or show state certain components will be enriched with modifier class names:
--live --pre-show --replay
Library section of show that are either currently live, upcoming or recorded.
--grid --list
Library section using either grid, list or slider layout.
--landscape --portrait
Library show item using asset in either landscape or portrait format.
--landscape --portrait
Asset of a show item either in landscape or portrait format.
LiSA library layouts implement a Responsive design . To ensure all library components being perfectly aligned on all devices, the list of class names of the host node you provide with the configuration is extended with breakpoint marker class names:
lisa__library-host-node--gte-576 lisa__library-host-node--gte-864 lisa__library-host-node--gte-1152 lisa__library-host-node--gte-1140
In case you need different breakpoints, you can provide them with the LiSA Library configuration.