Configuration options

LiSA Promo Widget comes with a variety of configuration options to customise it to your needs.

Web SDK configuration

In addition to the Promo Widget specific configuration options, you must provide a subset of the Web SDK configuration options. Below you will find the required and optional settings to run the Promo Widget:

type Config = {
  /** The actual Promo Widget configuration. */
  alert: AlertConfig;
  /** The client identifier, provided during account creation. */
  client: string;
   * The language code you want to pass onto the show player
   * in a multi-language environment.
  language: LanguageCode; // e.g. 'en'
  /** Locale information required for rendering date information. */
  locale?: string; // e.g. 'en-US'
  /** Localisable text values, used by the Web SDK. */
  localisation?: {
    /** Caption displayed, when the promoted show's countown is completed. */
    alertCountdownComplete?: string;
    /** Caption displayed, while the promoted show's countown is running. */
    alertCountdownCaption?: string;
    /** Caption displayed, when the promoted show is currently live. */
    alertLiveCaption?: string;
    /** Caption displayed, when the promoted show's replay is available. */
    alertReplayCaption?: string;
  /** (URL encoded) query string, you want to pass onto the live show landing page. */
  querystring?: string;
  /** The store identifier you want to pass onto the show in a multi-store environment. */
  store?: string;

Type definition

type AlertConfig = {
  autoplay?: false | { parameter?: string };
    | string
    | { mode: 'priority'; slug: string }
    | { mode: 'random'; slug: string };
  enabled?: boolean;
  imageModifier?: string;
  leadTime?: number;
  position?: 'bl' | 'br' | 'tl' | 'tr' | Position;
  showId?: string;
  url?: string;

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